A new British study that has been released has show a correlation between the consumption of processed meat and increases in Cancer and Heart Disease. Research that has been done previously has shown that processed meat consumption is linked to a higher risk of pancreatic cancer as well as an elevated risk of colon cancer.[1] The risk of premature death increases with the amount of processed meat eaten. Processed meat included bacon, sausage, ham, and minced meats.
Included in the study were 448,568 men and women without prevalent cancer, stroke, or myocardial infarction, and with complete information on diet, smoking, physical activity and body mass index, who were between 35 and 69 years old at baseline.[2] The total number of people included in the research represented 10 European countries.
There are many people who would argue that an average diet should contain meat. Meat is rich in protein, iron, zinc and B-vitamins, as well as vitamin A. The bioavailability of iron and folate from meat is higher than from plant products such as grains and leafy green vegetables. The drawback, however, is meat contains a high concentration of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, both of which have been shown to be positively associated with plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) concentrations and this is the bad cholesterol that increases the risk of coronary heart disease.[3]
During the follow-up period, 26,344 study participants (11,563 men and 14,781 women) died. Of these, 5,556 died of cardiovascular diseases, 9,861 of cancer, 1,068 of respiratory diseases, 715 of digestive tract diseases, and 9,144 of other causes (including 976 who died from external causes). A high consumption of red meat was related to increased mortality. Those with a lower fruit and vegetable intake (below median intake) had a higher overall mortality in the highest consumption category of processed meat.[4] The study showed that people with a high consumption of processed meats had the lowest consumption of fruits and vegetables. A diet high in processed meat was often linked in the study to other unhealthy choices as well such as high alcohol consumption.
Researchers found a high consumption of red meat did not show an increase in cancer, but did show an increase in cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and diseases of the digestive tract. A study conducted by Harvard University in 2011 showed that people who eat one 3.5-ounce serving of processed meat or the equivalent to two slices of bacon, or a hot dog every day had a 51 percent increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.[5]There was also a significant positive association between processed meat consumption and risk of dying from cancer. At the same time researchers did not find an association between poultry consumption and increased risk of premature death from cancer or heart disease.
In contrast to the US, the European study observed a consistent association between processed meat consumption and total mortality. Researchers found that some consumption of red meat on a limited basis was okay due to red meat being a significant source of vitamins and nutrients.
Processed meats such as sausages, salami and bacon have a higher content of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. The fat content in sausages often reaches 50% of the weight or even more. Both high saturated fat and cholesterol intake have been found to be related to the risk of coronary heart disease. Processed meat is treated by salting, curing, or smoking in order to improve the durability of the food and/or to improve color and taste. These processes, can lead to an increased intake of carcinogens or their precursors (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic aromatic amines, nitrosamines) or to a high intake of specific compounds possibly enhancing the development of carcinogenic processes (for example, nitrite).
The study concluded that, “men and women with a high consumption of processed meat are at increased risk of early death, in particular due to cardiovascular diseases but also to cancer.” If processed meat is to be consumed it should be in moderation and not on a daily basis. The other important finding that people should consider is to make sure that they are adding fruit and vegetables to their daily diet and not just a high consumption of processed meat.
[1] Processed Meat Consumption Linked to a Higher Risk of Pancreatic Cancer, Jan 13, 2012. Medical News Today. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/240319.php
[2] Sabine Rohrmann and others. Meat Consumption and Mortality- results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. BMC Medicine. March 7, 2013. BMC Medicine 2013, 11:63 doi:10.1186/1741-7015-11-63
[3] Mozaffarian D, Micha R, Wallace S: Effects on coronary heart disease of increasing polyunsaturated fat in place of saturated fat: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS Med 2010, 7:e1000252.
[4] Ibid
[5] Chan, Armanda Eating Processed Meat Everyday Could Up Diabetes Risk. Huffington Post. 10/10/11http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/10/processed-meat-diabetes_n_923843.html