
4 tipos de terapia
¿Está interesado en buscar terapia, pero no sabe por dónde empezar? La terapia es amplia y abarca muchas ramas. Con eso en mente, queremos enfocarnos en 4 tipos de terapia que tratan situaciones específicas. ¿Cuáles son algunos tipos de terapia? Hay muchos tipos...

Qué hacer después de un diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Después de un diagnóstico de diabetes, es probable que su médico le aconseje hacer cambios saludables de su estilo de vida. Se le indicará escoger alimentos más saludables y a volverse más activo físicamente. Es posible que tenga que monitorear su nivel de glucosa en...
Pasadena Health Center Offers Help for Those Affected by Harvey
Our clinic has been blessed with help from many sources, including a $5,000 Harvey Disaster Relief donation from Chevron Phillips Chemical Company. We are here to help our community recover. 6 Ways PHC Can Provide Help for Those Affected by Harvey Do you have a need...

CPChem Helps Pasadena Health Center with Disaster Relief Donation
Harvey Disaster Relief Donation Chevron Phillips Chemical donated $5,000 to Pasadena Health Center (PHC) this month to provide disaster relief assistance to the clinic as it continues to offer post-Hurricane Harvey medical care to the community. Get Your TdaP Shot at...

Researchers discuss the link between vitamin D and ischemic strokes.
Researchers finding show that Vitamin D may help prevent ischemic strokes. These new findings were presented at the International Stroke Conference. [1]The research presented at the conference showed that patients with vitamin D levels below 30 ng/mL had infarcts...

Free Services and Incredible Specials Now Being Offered At Pasadena Health Center
Pasadena Health Center is offering a number of free services. In addition we have several specials to help our clients with their medical needs: Dental Specials: Oral Screening, 4 Bite wing X-rays, and Cleaning just $49.00. Take advantage of this special. Teeth...

CDS Encourages Parents to get the mmr Vaccine now to Prevent the Spread Of Measles
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is encouraging parents to get their children immunized for measles right away. CDC is encouraging Americans to get vaccinated for measles amid an outbreak that began at Disneyland in December, saying that 2014 saw...