
¿Existe una relación entre los problemas gastrointestinales y la salud mental?
Se sabe que la ansiedad causa síntomas físicos como aumento del ritmo cardíaco, sudoración excesiva y problemas gastrointestinales. La investigación sugiere que los problemas gastrointestinales y la salud mental están correlacionados. ¿Cómo están conectados el...
New Study Shows Benefits to Aspirin
A new study released today indicates in its findings that Aspirin may actually be beneficial to patients. There has been a lot of speculation and controversy on this topic in the past. Experts have now declared, for the first time, that the benefits of taking aspirin...
Cut Animal Protien and Lower Risk from Diabetes and Cancer
Many people debate what diet is best. As we reach middle age it seems keeping the weight off becomes harder. It is not uncommon for people to develop diabetes at age 45 and then to continue into type 2 or insulin dependent diabetes. What is worse is as people are...
Are You Getting Enough Magnesium in Your Diet?
Magnesium is believed to be a vital mineral that may help people prevent type 2 diabetes. In addition it is a mineral that people who are diabetics should incorporate into their diets. It is a necessary component of more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body....
The USDA will now allow chickens slaughtered in the U.S. to be processed in China, but no labeling will be required to identify those chicken products that they ship back to the U.S. Some believe this in reaction to China agreeing to take USA Beef after they...
New Video Produced by Pasadena Health Center to Help Teach Children Good Oral Health
Pasadena Health Center is very excited about a project we have just finished. The Texas Legislature passed House Bill 2483 which adds oral health education as part of the coordinated school health program guidelines. In response to this legislation the health center...
The CDC released a statement today that flu cases are continuing to climb. The U.S. Southwest -- Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas -- is the region hardest hit by the flu this season. The flu has been seen strongest in people of young and middle age....