
3 síntomas del trastorno bipolar
El trastorno bipolar es una enfermedad mental que afecta a muchas personas en todo el país. La enfermedad provoca cambios de humor drásticos que son mucho más dramáticos que los típicos altibajos. Los cambios de humor no suceden repentinamente, sino que ocurren...
New Study Confirms That Early Mammography Test Are The Best Choice For Women
A recent study conducted by physicians from Harvard University has published a conclusion that has not been previously suggested. The study states that,” Most deaths from breast cancer occur in unscreened women. To maximize mortality reduction and life-years gained,...
SAMHSA Report Shows Teen Substance Abuse Still A Major Problem
Despite numerous campaigns and many attempts at public education about substance abuse a typical day in the life of many teens includes cigarette smoking, marijuana use, and/or alcohol consumption. A report released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services...
Studies Reveal Football Players Who Are Linemen Have Increased Risk of Hypertension
Many of us are anticipating the start of football season especially with the talk of pro football camps starting this week. In addition many high school athletes will start two a day’s soon and very vigorous programs. Most doctors would encourage anyone to take part...
New Study Says, “Low Calorie Sweeteners Are Okay for Diabetics and Weight Loss”
Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have just released a new study which supports the use of low calorie sweeteners for people who are obese or who are suffering with diabetes. Previously studies have suggested that the use of low calorie sweeteners in diabetics...
Your Choice Mediterranean or Vegetarian Combined with Exercise, Weight Loss and No Smoking = Longevity
The latest trends in health care are moving more towards a meat free diet. It seems that the two most researched and popular diets are either a Mediterranean Diet or a completely meat free vegetarian. Growing up in Texas where the smell of BBQ fills the air and steak...
What About Fish Oil?
Recently there has been a lot of talk about Fish Oil and its benefits. Some people have expressed concerns about fish oil and its safety. Recent studies have also shown that fish oil may have no benefit in preventing heart attack or stroke.[1] Fish oil is a good...