
¿Qué es la higiene bucal y por qué es importante?
Cepillarse los dientes después de cada comida no lo es todo cuando se trata de higiene bucal, lo que nos lleva a la pregunta: "¿Qué es la higiene bucal?" Su boca hace mucho trabajo, como hablar y triturar la comida. Por lo tanto, es crucial mantener una higiene bucal...
New Study Reveals That Depression Can Result in Hypoglycemia in Diabetic Patients
A study just released in the Journal of Family Medicine has shown a direct correlation between depression and increased risk of hypoglycemic episodes.[1] This is extremely important for several reasons. Depression is not uncommon in people suffering from...
Is Diabetes Mellitus Associated With Sudden Cardiac Arrest; Cindy’s Story
Imagine that you have been diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. Your life style is one of high stress and you are single trying to fill a void with lots of activities in addition to a high stress job full of pressure to meet performance expectations. Your job...
Parents Tell Your Teens Avoid the Cinnamon Challenge.
A warning for parents and teens has been issued by the American Association of Poison Control for people who are participating in the Cinnamon Challenge not to partake in this stunt. Teens have posted over 50,000 clips on You Tube of people trying the challenge and a...
Walnuts May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in Women.
You may not be aware of the benefit of eating nuts but a recent study has confirmed that they have benefits that can help improve your health. The study involved tracking 58,063 women between the ages of 52-77 and a second group 79,893 women who were 35-52. A...
Obesity Can Be a Key Indicator In Predicting High Risk for Chronic Kidney Disease
A study just published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology has attempted to answer if there is a correlation between obesity and chronic kidney disease (CKD). The study was conducted in England, Scotland, and Wales and involved 4,584 people. The...
Study Shows Proteinuria Can Shorten Life Expectancy
A new study just published from Canada is showing that patients who had proteinuria had a shorter life expectancy than other individuals without this disease process. Proteinuria can also be referred to as albuminuria or urine albumin. It is a condition which exists...