
¿Qué es la osteoporosis?
Probablemente haya oído hablar de la osteoporosis y se haya preguntado: "¿Qué es la osteoporosis?" Como su nombre indica, esta enfermedad se refiere al hueso poroso. La condición debilita los huesos, lo que aumenta el riesgo de fracturas óseas repentinas e...
Mediterranean Diet Shows Promise for Preventing Heart Attack and Stroke
A study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that the Mediterranean Diet could actually help prevent cardiovascular disease and lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. 7447 participants were enrolled in the study and 57% were...
Calcium Supplements Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Death Risk
Two medical studies just released suggest that high calcium rates in men and women could be associated with increased rates of cardiovascular disease. Doctors have speculated that calcium supplements could contribute to calcium deposits into fatty plaques in your...
Kale One More Superfood to Add to Your Grocery List
Today’s blog features Kale. You may have never heard of it. But in our quest to identify super foods that are good for you we are adding this one to the list. Kale is a form of cabbage. You can find a variety of different types of kale by color (green, white,...
How Can a Vegetarian Diet Improve Your Health And Lower Risk Factors?
When considering diets one that many people may have not thought about is a vegetarian diet. While many people might consider this an extreme there is a Fireman in Austin, Texas who has released a diet called the Engine 2 Diet. His name is Rip Esselstyn. He is a...
Dark Chocolate; 10 Reasons To Only Give The Best
Okay you want some chocolate but you are not sure what to pick. Well the answer is easy it is dark chocolate. Here are some reasons why: Dark Chocolate can actually help lower your blood pressure if you eat small amounts in moderation two to three times per week. The...
It’s Valentines Day Beware of Too Much Sugar Free Candy
If you are diabetic Valentine’s Day can be rough when you are looking at all that candy and other things that can really put you blood sugar off the roof. You may also be wondering can I use sweeteners and what is the difference in them. One warning we can give you is...