
Cómo lidiar con la ansiedad

Cómo lidiar con la ansiedad

Los efectos de los ataques de ansiedad pueden ser perjudiciales para su salud, por lo que debe saber cómo lidiar con la ansiedad. Si bien una sensación ocasional de estrés es normal, las personas con ansiedad generalmente tienen miedo, terror y pánico excesivos....

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Vitamin C, Is It Beneficial or Possibly Harmful?

Vitamin C was once thought to be a great supplement for preventing colds and for general good health. However, new studies are showing this might now be the case. The evidence suggest that  vitamin C has no effect on the incidence of colds, except in people...

Add These Super Foods to Your Diet

So have you ever wondered how you could create a list of foods that are completely healthy and not the norm? There are many great food choices around you daily but if you don’t know what they are you will continue to eat the same stuff. Why not say good bye to heart...

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