
¿Qué es la hipertensión?
Si tiene un familiar que sufre de presión arterial alta, quizás se pregunte, ¿qué es la hipertensión? La hipertensión afecta a personas de todas las edades y es más común entre las personas mayores. Ocurre cuando las paredes de las arterias son demasiado pequeñas para...
Studies Show Adults and Children are Not Getting Properly Vaccinated
Many people have questioned vaccines, and some have even stated that the need for vaccines is all hype created by drug companies to make money. However, CDC reports that,” some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated...
High LDL Cholestrol and Systolic Blood Pressure Puts Type 2 Diabetics at Increased Risk for Coronary Vascular Disease
Kaiser Permanente Northwest conducted a study to find out how risk factors for people with type 2 diabetes affected the chances of hospitalization and possible death. The study involved 26,636 patients with type 2 diabetes. The patients were part of an HMO and had...
New Study Shows Fruits and Vegetables May Prevent Some Forms of Breast Cancer
A new study found lower rates of what's known as "estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer" among women who ate high amounts of fruits and vegetables. “These tumors -- which do not respond to circulating estrogen -- account for 15 percent to 20 percent of breast...
Glucosamine While Readily Available May or May Not Help With Osteoartritis
If you have ever had knee pain that was severe and just doesn’t seem to go away you have probably experienced osteoarthritis. In 2005 the CDC estimated that an estimated 26.9 million adults in the United States were affected by osteoarthritis. Signs and Symptoms can...
New Study Shows Women and Men Benefit Differently from Exercise and Diet
More than two thirds of Americans are obese. This often results in type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and other health related problems. Health professionals suggest diet and exercise as the solution to this issue. A research study at the University of Missouri...
Uncontrolled Diabetes Can Lead to High Risk for Fracture
Uncontrolled diabetes has always put people at risk. Many people feel just taking insulin, or other drugs is all they must do. However, if diet is not monitored along with exercise a person can become at risk for many disease processes including blindness, kidney...